One Research Fellow Position Available at RSISE@ANU
The PostDoc position is now filled, but I'm still looking for PhD Students! (see below)
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We are seeking an outstanding Research Fellow with excellent
mathematical background and research expertise in
Machine Learning or
(Algorithmic) Information Theory or
(Bayesian) Statistics or
Artificial Intelligence or
related area.
Possible backgrounds are a PhD, or near completion of a PhD,
in mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, or related.
Project description: The purpose of the position is to conduct research on the foundations of universal induction and intelligent agents.
The project is part of the CSL lab, and the AI and SML group at RSISE.
The starting point is a recently developed universal theory of intelligent learning systems,
based on an unexpected unification of universal induction and
sequential decision theory. Getting the foundations right usually marks significant progress and maturing of a field.
The theory provides a gold standard and guidance for researchers working on smart software.
Goal is to explore the theory and its connection to more classical
reinforcement learning approaches.
(i) Detailed curriculum vitae (including grades),
(ii) List of three references (including their email addresses),
(iii) Statement on how their research interests fit the above topics (1-2 pages).
(iv) Links to their master's/PhD thesis and publications.
(v) Others (see the official application site).
The Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering (RSISE)
was established in 1996 as part of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)
at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, Australia.
RSISE focuses its work on research, research training and interaction with national and international communities.
The Australian National University (ANU) is located in the city of
Canberra, the Federal Capital of Australia. The ANU consistently ranks
top among all Universities in the southern hemisphere, third in the Asia/Pacific region, and in the top 50 worldwide.
With a population of about 300'000, Canberra is a very clean and quiet
city, surrounded by bush land and parks,
and with Lake Burley Griffin in its geographical centre.
It is a three-hour drive from Sydney, surfing beaches, and Australia's ski